Saturday, July 25, 2009

What is this thing called, "Blogging"?

Well, I've decided that it is about time that I take up this whole blogging thing especially since I'm not going to be around my friends at school anymore since I'm officially in the "real world" as my dad likes to say. What does that even mean? Oh yeah, that means that all the bills come to me. What? I don't even know what I'm doing. How come parents take care of you all through out college, but then you get that job and there like, "Okay, its all on you. Good luck." Well parents, gee...Thanks? Haha.
I've noticed that a lot of cool people blog so I've decided to join the club. Maybe no one will ever read this so maybe this will be blogger therapy for me. Who knows. But if you do read this, ha, welcome to my brain and thought process. Its fun sometimes.
I was reading a blog that my friend and fellow songwriter Abbye Pates has written and she was talking about the seasons of life. Well, I am lucky because I actually got to have lunch with the Pates as well as Matthew Clark and Sashi. We exchanged stories and laughed a lot, but she talked about how she does not like when friends come into our lives and then leave. She has a close friend that is going to India for a year, and true, its only a year, but still. This made me feel so grateful for the friends that I have and the times shared at MSU, but it also made me sad because I will not be going back in the fall due to the reality of the real world. :)
I'm excited about my story in God's great big story. A new season is approaching, but that does not mean that we must forget the past seasons spent with beautiful people and wonderful memories....

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