Saturday, November 28, 2009

Here are some pictures that update my life and then I'll blog Tomorrow :)

Jenny & Tyler House Concert at my house..they are amazing...clint is feeling pretty special to be up there with them in this picture...haha... :) check them out:

A surprise birthday party for me? they are amazing...each one of them :)

DSU Wesley Students at the passion tour in Starkville

DSU Wesley Rafting Trip...It was amazing...41 students...white water rafting down the ocoee...The Lord placing people in eachothers lives. Amazing speaker. Spiritual growth...beautiful nature

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

The Dance

Lately, I've been around some people at the Wesley that are really struggling with sin. I hate sin. It has this way of creeping into our lives and attacking us when we least expect it. It is kinda like cancer. I was asked some deep questions this week about faith and sin and I told one of my students about how I "see" Satan.

I imagine myself in a big ball room dancing. I see him standing in the corner watching every move I make. I notice that he is very attractive. His eyes never leave me alone. He is watching and waiting for moments of weakness. At that time, he slips over so that I see his beauty. He reaches for my hand and I take it. We then dance on the floor as he circles me around. As we are dancing, I feel closer and closer to the ground. The movements begin to tangle my feet to where I can not stand up by myself. He then takes the lead and I leave my world behind. I ask myself, "how can something feel so wrong and then suddenly feel so right." Its like he blinds me because his grip is holding on so tightly. The beautiful part to this story is the fact that as I'm dancing this dance with sin, the Lord is asking and tapping on his shoulder wanting to cut in. Honestly, he doesn't look as attractive; he's got blood stains and holes in his hands, but his face longs for me. I see the desire burning from with in knowing that He wants my hand so that He can dance that dance for me and he can take me and lead me down a path of righteousness.

thats how I imagine sin creeping in. I shared this imagery with my students. We've got to make war to sin. There is a song that i have been listening to called, "Make War" by Tedashi. It really is good. I encourage you to put on the armor of Christ before walking out your door. Tell me this: would you walk on to a battle field naked with no weapon? No. Thats crazy. If you were walking in to a war, you would dress your self with protective gear and have weapons to fight back. Well, we are in a war. Put on the armor of the Lord for protection. Guard yourself. Because when we are naked, sin will destroy us...

Ephesians 6:10-18

Thursday, September 24, 2009

"On The Road Again"

Lately I've seen on the road the sunrise and sunset, mating horseflies hit my windshield, roadkill, rain, really bad rain, the delta flood...I've been in the car alone enjoying my worship with the Lord so much that I missed my exit in Clarksdale to drive to Oxford ending up in Tunica realizing that I had gone an hour out of my way just because I was so in tune with the Lord...that's a bit scary since I was driving...I've been in the car with Clint, which means we sang songs at the top of our lungs to Jesus while driving, I've been in a 15 passenger van with youth singing Disney songs and telling jokes...I've been to Starkville, Tuscaloosa, Oxford, Memphis, Cleveland, Batesville, and all back. I've driven at all times of the day and night such as 7:00 p.m., 11:00 p.m., 4:45 a.m., 7:15 a.m....Its good to drive and be see nature and its beauty within a sunset, to see the wind blow through the trees...its a good reminder to see the Lord move through the leaves...I also love to be in the car alone because I love to call people that I haven't talked to in forever. Friends are so good.

I went to Starkville to celebrate Kate Poore's birthday and to visit friends. We went rollerskating at the Skating Rink. Oh it was fun. I am a terrible roller skater...but I did have bad skates where the wheels were bent inwards which made things difficult..thank goodness we discovered why I was hitting the walls and couldn't turn so I got a new pair. ;) We had a great group of people come out and it just reminded me of how important it is to have people we love in our lives. We were created for relationships. The Lord longs for a relationship with us. He longs for daily communication, love, prayer...He longs to be our Guide, our Hope, our Trust, offering us everything, but its amazing how I feel He reaches out to us, but we constantly turn to someone or something else that "looks" more appealing. Why is this so? He is there reaching out and longing to help us along this narrow path, taking our hand to walk us across. I often imaging us trying to walk a tight-rope alone with no harness. The rope is thin and high above the ground where there is danger all around us. We think, "if we could just walk fast grasping on to anything in our way" that we will stay on and make it to the other side, but instead we find that those things we reach for are just floating in the air and when we grasp them, we fall. I also imagine the Lord reaching down offering us a hand to hold while we walk across the wire through rain, wind, sun, and snow, and He waits for us to reach, but sometimes we never take His hand. What makes us think we can walk and make it across that tight-rope alone?

God is good. I thank Him for being patient and waiting. I am sorry that it takes me so long to take His hand.

If you didn't know, Derek Webb's new album "Stockholm Syndrome" is amazing. I was so lucky to get to go to his concert and hang out with friends while I was there. Clint and I road up there together and we met up with Becca Varner and Aynslee Moon. This summer I got to know Becca and Aynslee really well through a retreat that our friend, Matthew Clark, put together called "Maytide Makers", which took place in Knoxville, TN. A group of songwriters, painters, writers, and sculptors got together to praise to the Lord by using our gifts with one another and also just to talk. It was so good. I am so glad that I got to go to that concert with them. I also got to see one of my favorite married couples there and that was a surprise: Daniel and Amanda Bray. They are great. After the concert, we stayed around to see if we could meet Derek Webb and all of a sudden, he walked through the doors. I wish you could have seen Clint talking with him. Derek's music has made such an impact on his life and to see him talking with him was such a wonderful picture. Speaking of pictures, I did take one of them and we also got one. His band members were awesome too. Clint pretty much became a roady and got to help Josh Moore move equipment..."Hey Clint, I hear Derek is looking for an opening act??" :)

Well, this is a long blog so let me fill you in on the rest really fast: celebrated all the birthdays in the church at FUMC Cleveland with a Birthday Dinner...lets just say, words can not describe the fun that I saw on stage that night (the preacher playing the electric guitar and good), Took my youth to a Spiritual Life Retreat at Camp Lake Stephens and we all bonded in our youth group time where we got to discuss really good topics and told ghost stories, took some DSU Wesley Students to see Shane and Shane in Starkville where I got to see alot of people that I love, Oh, and my latest news is that I broke two guitar strings at once while practicing yesterday for worship at the

Music to listen to:
Needtobreath--Album: "The Outsiders"
Book I'm reading:
"A Severe Mercy" By Sheldon Vanauken
Praying for:
Discernment on whether or not I am supposed to go to China over Christmas
Excited about:
Africa this summer!!!!


Monday, August 17, 2009

The Delta Times...haha

I've officially been living in the delta now for almost two weeks. I currently have 12 bug bites on my feet, live in an amazing house that has had some amazing people come in and out of it...I have bell peppers, cucumbers, and tomatos growing in my side garden, which the previous owner left for me, but little did she know that I have a black thumb...hmm...I have no idea what to do with that, haha; I have chased my dog multiple times across streets and under fences (thats right, I did say under); I've eaten at some fun delta restaurants with new friends; I've been on a tour or wal-mart because thats what you get to do for fun in small towns..haha...I've been to Merigold and have seen the McCardy place and even met Mr. McCardy or at least I think it was him. I mean, he's famous and I was there with my friend, Clint, and he told me that it looks like I have found a good one and I should keep him...haha. :) I've delivered cold water with Eddie Willis to the DSU band at the practice field and must say that I have officially seen the "Villiage People" in the delta...All the guys were wearing really, really, REALLY short (too short) shorts and well I'll just leave that sentence at that statement. Ha. I've gotten to hang out with Tricia Walker who is a Grammy winner and she runs the recording studio at Delta State. Thats exciting. My boss (the famous, Eddie Willis) is crazy, but good crazy that is. ;) He has great impersonations. You should ask him to do one for you. We are learning each other and that has probably been one of the funniest parts. Hmm...what else? Well, I woke up the other morning and heard someone cutting my grass and thought, "wow, that is really nice." And I thought that he was in the front yard so as I was dressed in my beautiful pajamas with my hair in a ponytail on the side of my head, I decided to take my dog out to the backyard to go to the bathroom..well, little did I know that there were about 7 beautiful, handsome delta boys in my backyard weed eating, mowing, you know, doing the whole yard work stuff and there I was looking "awesome" (hence the sarcasm) in my pj's at 8:15 in the morning...ha. That was fun. I introduced myself and they laughed. :)

We have a lot of things going on down here in the delta. I've had the opportunity to get to know the youth at the church that I am working at and I must say that they are wonderful. God has really blessed me with the kids he has placed in my life and I am excited about this chapter of my life with them. We had a cookout last Sunday and this Sunday during church we cooked food for the homeless shelter and then delivered the food and served them. That was neat. Then, on Sunday night, I had my first MYF with them. They love worship and love to sing so that made me really happy. We played a game that my friend, Matthew Clark, taught me how to play called "Paper Gossip" and it was hilarious. I am going to be teaching from David Nasser's book, "A Call to Die." I'm looking forward to what conversations the Lord starts on Sundays. Then, on Tuesdays we I'll meet with the Senior High youth for "Fireside Chats" which is at my house. Thats going to be fun. I believe we are going to watch a Francis Chan video...

With the Wesley, we have been working really hard and planning a lot. We have free BBQ on the Quad on Wednesday, an ice cream and game night called "Get Your Game On" on Thursday...Both events are going to be great. We are going to be in the Union and on campus all week just getting to know people and chatting it up...which is wonderful. :) I had the hardest time today telling people that we are having the BBQ on the quad...i kept saying "drill field." And then I kept saying "Tuesday" instead of "Wednesday"...Its weird telling people about the Wesley but not being at state, but it is good...

I am thankful for friends. Clint came to visit this past weekend and it was so encouraging and uplifting to have one of my great friends there. We put up our eno's and read scripture and discussed some hard topics in the bible. We also spent a lot of time just worshiping and playing music. It was a really good time. It made me miss all my friends though and realize how blessed I am to have such an amazing group of people that constantly lift me up and encourage me. Thank you all for that...

Music you should listen to:
"Love Through Me" by Jenny and Tyler
A Book you should read:
A Hole in our Gospel by Richard Stearns

John 15:13
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."

Thursday, August 6, 2009

I'm Singing The Delta Blues...

Facts about Cleveland, MS that I have come up with so far:

1. At first, I was like, "What are they talking about when they say the mosquitos are bad? I haven't even felt one." Oh, Oh, Oh, what was I thinking? I have counted over 15 bites on my feet and thats just from one day. Ha. Tomorrow: Going to Wal-Mart to purchase clip on bug spray thingys...

2. It really is a small world. I was walking across the street from my house to the church when the ONE SINGLE PERSON that I know living in Cleveland that is from Oxford, MS, Jeremy Bruss, drives random is that? So we chat in the street. Gotta love that about this world.

Oh, and the person that was checking me out at Wal-Mart today, we recognized each other right away...he was at Matthew Clark's house concert back in Feburary in Oxford and I was there too...random, right?

3. When you are driving through the town at night, you think that there is a fog or fire in the town and you might become concerned, but then you find out that it is bug spray repellent that they spray all night (I hate to tell them, but I don't think it is working...)

4. Everyone waves at you; everyone speaks to you; Everyone smiles and nods; Oh, and my favorite so far are the random people that think they know you and so they continue to carry on a conversation with you, but then realize that they don't know you...and then they just stop talking in the middle of their sentence and walk :)

5. People run. Not for exercise, but just for no reason. They just run. Hmm...

6. The water is brown right when you turn it on. Don't know why. It just is. It goes away, but its just brown at first.

7. People just walk on in to your house. They don't even knock. They just walk in. Oh, fun, right?

I'll add more once I'm here for a longer amount of time. Oh, and I"ll add pictures of my house too. :) (Even if you (Becca) are the only one reading this...teehee)

Song I wrote about how I'm feeling:

Unfamiliar territory about to be explored opening new doors
Surrounded by new faces searching for a home scared to be alone
I’m reminded and comforted by those words I’ve heard before

Oh I hold the plans for your life in my hands
Oh it’s a journey to your story
And its about to begin

A familiar scent catches me, which brings me to a smile; I haven’t seen you in a while
You’ve left those fingerprints on my heart
And I’ll remember you through these times a part

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Good friends, Good convos

Today was a good day. Church at the Orchard is always so refreshing and wonderful.

I was able to have some good conversations with people throughout my day. My friend Clint called me this afternoon and we encouraged each other a lot. It is so good to have brothers in Christ. God has placed some of the best brothers I could ever have in my life. Seriously. I have had the best. :) They have helped me so much and I have grown so much closer to God by their influence. Another brother of mine, Matthew, we went to Houston tonight to play music for my old youth group. (There are some great kids in Houston, Ms at FUMC...just saying).

Anyways, we talked about life as usual, but the question that kept popping in to my mind was "how do people deal with the world without Jesus?" I can not imagine going through some of my downfalls without having Jesus to lift me up, you know? Or how do people celebrate this life with joy and not have that joy found in Christ? This made me so grateful to know that I have tasted and seen the goodness of God during times when goodness was no where to be found. I have seen the Lord work through the ugliness of Satan by turning ashes into beauty. My God can do that. My God can take a situation that was so hurtful and wrong; where there was so much injustice done to an indvidual, and He can create hope, peace, and comfort. We talked about the sin we commit doesn't just effect ourself, but others as well. My God is the Lord of the wronged.

"There's room for your tears, sister don't be ashamed. The maker of your soul shares your sorrows. So sing even if its a sad, sad song. He's the brother to the broken. He's the Lord of the wronged."

That is so encouraging to me. I just can not imagine walking this world alone. I can not imagine trying to find hope and satisfaction with my life by depending on other people. People are full of sin. There is no way they can give us what we need. I can not imagine turning to just individuals for comfort and love and not knowing the love of my Father. There is a Shawn McDonal song that says:

Have you ever wanted to be someone else?
Have you ever wanted just to be someone?
Have you ever wanted to reach your dreams?
Have you ever wanted life to be more than it seems?

I have tasted of a love so wide
That it stops all my time
I have tasted of a love so deep
That it blows my mind

Have you ever wanted to reach up and touch the sky?
Have you ever wanted to pack it up and say good-bye?
Have you ever wanted someone to care?
Have you ever wanted someone to be there?

He is sweet, He is sweet
What your looking for
Is my sweet, sweet Jesus
What You're looking for
Is my sweet Lord

People are looking for answers and love from all the wrong things: money, relationships, material possessions, when the one thing that is right in front of them looks to hard to reach or maybe they don't feel worthy enough? I love that my God takes me as I am because I know I will never be "good enough"...

"Come all you weary and find rest. For I am gentle, learn from me. I do not love like the world so take heart."--Jesus

Saturday, July 25, 2009

What is this thing called, "Blogging"?

Well, I've decided that it is about time that I take up this whole blogging thing especially since I'm not going to be around my friends at school anymore since I'm officially in the "real world" as my dad likes to say. What does that even mean? Oh yeah, that means that all the bills come to me. What? I don't even know what I'm doing. How come parents take care of you all through out college, but then you get that job and there like, "Okay, its all on you. Good luck." Well parents, gee...Thanks? Haha.
I've noticed that a lot of cool people blog so I've decided to join the club. Maybe no one will ever read this so maybe this will be blogger therapy for me. Who knows. But if you do read this, ha, welcome to my brain and thought process. Its fun sometimes.
I was reading a blog that my friend and fellow songwriter Abbye Pates has written and she was talking about the seasons of life. Well, I am lucky because I actually got to have lunch with the Pates as well as Matthew Clark and Sashi. We exchanged stories and laughed a lot, but she talked about how she does not like when friends come into our lives and then leave. She has a close friend that is going to India for a year, and true, its only a year, but still. This made me feel so grateful for the friends that I have and the times shared at MSU, but it also made me sad because I will not be going back in the fall due to the reality of the real world. :)
I'm excited about my story in God's great big story. A new season is approaching, but that does not mean that we must forget the past seasons spent with beautiful people and wonderful memories....