Monday, August 17, 2009

The Delta Times...haha

I've officially been living in the delta now for almost two weeks. I currently have 12 bug bites on my feet, live in an amazing house that has had some amazing people come in and out of it...I have bell peppers, cucumbers, and tomatos growing in my side garden, which the previous owner left for me, but little did she know that I have a black thumb...hmm...I have no idea what to do with that, haha; I have chased my dog multiple times across streets and under fences (thats right, I did say under); I've eaten at some fun delta restaurants with new friends; I've been on a tour or wal-mart because thats what you get to do for fun in small towns..haha...I've been to Merigold and have seen the McCardy place and even met Mr. McCardy or at least I think it was him. I mean, he's famous and I was there with my friend, Clint, and he told me that it looks like I have found a good one and I should keep him...haha. :) I've delivered cold water with Eddie Willis to the DSU band at the practice field and must say that I have officially seen the "Villiage People" in the delta...All the guys were wearing really, really, REALLY short (too short) shorts and well I'll just leave that sentence at that statement. Ha. I've gotten to hang out with Tricia Walker who is a Grammy winner and she runs the recording studio at Delta State. Thats exciting. My boss (the famous, Eddie Willis) is crazy, but good crazy that is. ;) He has great impersonations. You should ask him to do one for you. We are learning each other and that has probably been one of the funniest parts. Hmm...what else? Well, I woke up the other morning and heard someone cutting my grass and thought, "wow, that is really nice." And I thought that he was in the front yard so as I was dressed in my beautiful pajamas with my hair in a ponytail on the side of my head, I decided to take my dog out to the backyard to go to the bathroom..well, little did I know that there were about 7 beautiful, handsome delta boys in my backyard weed eating, mowing, you know, doing the whole yard work stuff and there I was looking "awesome" (hence the sarcasm) in my pj's at 8:15 in the morning...ha. That was fun. I introduced myself and they laughed. :)

We have a lot of things going on down here in the delta. I've had the opportunity to get to know the youth at the church that I am working at and I must say that they are wonderful. God has really blessed me with the kids he has placed in my life and I am excited about this chapter of my life with them. We had a cookout last Sunday and this Sunday during church we cooked food for the homeless shelter and then delivered the food and served them. That was neat. Then, on Sunday night, I had my first MYF with them. They love worship and love to sing so that made me really happy. We played a game that my friend, Matthew Clark, taught me how to play called "Paper Gossip" and it was hilarious. I am going to be teaching from David Nasser's book, "A Call to Die." I'm looking forward to what conversations the Lord starts on Sundays. Then, on Tuesdays we I'll meet with the Senior High youth for "Fireside Chats" which is at my house. Thats going to be fun. I believe we are going to watch a Francis Chan video...

With the Wesley, we have been working really hard and planning a lot. We have free BBQ on the Quad on Wednesday, an ice cream and game night called "Get Your Game On" on Thursday...Both events are going to be great. We are going to be in the Union and on campus all week just getting to know people and chatting it up...which is wonderful. :) I had the hardest time today telling people that we are having the BBQ on the quad...i kept saying "drill field." And then I kept saying "Tuesday" instead of "Wednesday"...Its weird telling people about the Wesley but not being at state, but it is good...

I am thankful for friends. Clint came to visit this past weekend and it was so encouraging and uplifting to have one of my great friends there. We put up our eno's and read scripture and discussed some hard topics in the bible. We also spent a lot of time just worshiping and playing music. It was a really good time. It made me miss all my friends though and realize how blessed I am to have such an amazing group of people that constantly lift me up and encourage me. Thank you all for that...

Music you should listen to:
"Love Through Me" by Jenny and Tyler
A Book you should read:
A Hole in our Gospel by Richard Stearns

John 15:13
"Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends."


  1. thank you for being you, katie heckel! i love your heart and the fact that you follow Jesus wherever He leads you! it's truly a beautiful thing! and thank you for giving water to the band folks. that means a lot since i was in the band back in the day! goooood times. you are wonderful!

  2. Hey! this is so great! love you:)

  3. haha, i really enjoyed the waking up to seven beautiful boys story! if only that happened every morning :) we could start sleeping in fancy dresses with our hair all down.

    i'm glad you are doing so good and that God is blessing you in your new place!

    ps - we both have got to get better at updating! i finally updated mine!
